The Trust
Vaidyamadham Valiya Narayanan Namboodiri Dakshinamoorthy Trust was established in 1982, by Late. Cheriya Narayanan Namboodiri in loving memory of his grandfather.
The objectives of the trust are:
To provide medical relief for the economically backward people in the community.
To provide help for the rehabilitation of physically and mentally handicapped persons.
To provide facilities for conducting scientific research in the field of Ayurvedic medicines as well as for the cure of fatal diseases like Cancer, Nephritis, etc...
To establish intensive training courses for qualified students of Ayurveda in the various traditional treatments like Panchakarma, Rasayana Chikitsa etc..., which now prevail only in some parts of Kerala.
To gather old manuscripts, grandhas, etc... relating to Ayurveda and to translate and publish the same for the propagation of Ayurvedic system of medicine.
To establish a library of books on medicines mainly on Ayurveda.
To establish endowments and to make available the interest accruing on the same for providing scholarship / encouragement to the final year students of BAMS, of different Universities of Kerala State.

The achievement of objectives has gathered momentum and the trust has already developed some medicines successful in the treatment of cancer. Regular cancer treatment camps are being conducted on last Sunday (morning session) of each month.

Practitioners of Homoeopathy, Allopathy & Ayurveda attend the camps, and treat patients after joint consultation. Approximately 500 patients have attended these camps so far. Medicines are given free of cost to financially poor patients. These camps have become an asylum to cancer patients who are sidelined from the main stream of life.

A building for the trust, a marvel in the traditional architecture contain a cancer ward, research centre , Library and reading room and a conference hall apart from a few rooms for patients.